Magistracy department has been working at the Armenian State Institute of Physical Culture since 2008 and the teaching is carried out by the following courses.
The citizens of the RA, with a Bachelor’s degree, Certificated specialist’s degree and Master’s degree may enter the magistracy on the competitive order.
Foreigners and persons without citizenship of the RA may enter magistracy on the basis of interministrial and intergovernmental agreements to paid education.
Date of birth: 07.01.1976
Tel: +374 553310 1-10
At the first stage the admission of Magistracy is made from June 1 to June 15 of current year
At the second stage the admission is made till September 1 of current year, with applying tuition fee discount (for paying system) , without right of delay from compulsory military service.
At the first stage graduating students are interviewed and they have an opportunity and right to apply for the admission of free education.
At the second stage an exam is hold. The graduates of previous years, the graduates of other universities as well as demobilized (for paying system).