At least six months before of each academic year the ministry organizes admission to postgraduate courses based on the received applications (free and paid systems).
The persons who enter postgraduate courses on stationary basis receive a deferment from the military service in accordance with laws of Armenia "About military service".
1. The education in postgraduate courses is carried out in stationary and correspondence forms on free and paid basis.
The duration of stationary education doesn't exceed three years. The duration of correspondence education doesn't exceed four years.
2. The citizens of Armenia who have received a Master's or a Bachelor's qualification enter postgraduate courses on a competitive basis.
Foreign citizens or persons without citizenship enter postgraduate courses on the basis of interstate, intergovernmental and interdepartmental contracts and agreements.
Foreign citizens and persons without citizenship enter postgraduate courses on paid basis in accordance with interorganizational agreements or own initiative.
The persons who completed postgraduate courses or were deleted from them cannot enter postgraduate courses on free basis.
For admission to postgraduate courses the application is given in the name of the head of the University or the Institution.
The admission to postgraduate course for the places with the right of compulsory military service determent must be till June 20 of the current year. The admission to postgraduate course for the places without such a right can also be in September and October.
The applicants take exams in speciality, foreign language (English, French or German) and quiz in computer science.
The applicants whose speciality are English, French or German take an exam in any other language different from their speciality.
The applicants' admission must be approved by the order of the head of the University or organization.
The applicants who enter postgraduate courses on stationary and free basis receive state scholarship according to the defined size since admission day.
In the process of teaching, the graduate student must:
- To pass qualification examinations in accordance with the procedure approved by the university;
- Have a work plan approved by the scientific council and a minimum of 36 hours of pedagogical workload
The time of postgraduate education on stationary basis is involved in the scientific and pedagogical experience of the applicants.
Since the admission of the applicants, not later than during three months the dissertation theme and head of the research are approved according to the defined regulation of the University.
The following documents are necessary for admission to postgraduate courses as an applicant:
The applicant presents his passport and higher education diploma himself.